We’re really excited to announce that both our videos “Vizslas A Go-Go” and “How to Care for your Vizsla Puppy” are available to view online!
Once purchased, they are available immediately for you to view as many times as you want for 1 year from the date purchased. These videos help show you what it’s like to own a Vizsla and how to care for your Vizsla. We recommend the video on demand version as it’s instant, eco-friendly, viewable for a year, and in HD format. Watch the video trailers below for more info:


How to care for your Vizsla puppy. – Trailer on Vimeo.

UnderstandingVizslas.com (directors of the Vizslas a go-go: Rosco, Daisy, and Lulu in motion vol. 1) & Carrie Syczylo (DuRiteVizslas.com) combine their efforts and experience to bring you a concise “How to”
video about caring for your Vizsla puppy. Filmed in 2012, Carrie brings over 12 years of experience with Vizslas to this video.

Chapter titles:
1. Introduction
2. Steps to Correct your Puppy
3. Nipping
4. Wrestling
5. Schedule & Crate Training
6. Potty Training
7. Jumping
8. Settle
9. Nail Clipping
10. Feeding
11. In Closing

From the back cover –
In this video, Carrie Syczylo shares her easy and effective methods on how to properly acclimate your Vizsla puppy to your home.
Carrie shares successful solutions to the most common issues experienced by new Vizsla puppy owners.

In this video, you’ll learn:

  • Steps for correcting your puppy
  • How to correct nipping
  • Why wrestling with your Vizsla is not a good idea
  • What schedule works best for your Vizsla
  • Successful crate training
  • Effective potty training
  • Proper feeding habits
  • And much more!

A note from Carrie:
Hi, I’m Carrie Syczylo of DuRite Vizslas (www.DuRiteVizslas.com). Our first Vizsla, Duke, quickly got us hooked
on Vizslas and horseback field trials and the rest is history.
DuRite Vizslas is trying to make history in the small world of field trialing with Vizslas.
We won our first National Amateur Championship with Duke in 2008. Since then, we have won 3
more National Championships with many thanks to professional trainers, Diane Vater and Chuck
Cooper (www.AlphaDogCentral.com).
Our goal as Vizsla fanciers and professional breeders is to let everyone know what a special do the
Vizsla is and what a special companion the Vizsla can be for a family and outdoorsmen and women.
Our goal is also to provide awareness and ongoing support for Vizsla owners to ensure a lifelong
healthy and happy relationship between owner and dog.

Running time: Approx. 17 minutes
©2012 and Produced by Simplified Management Solutions, Inc.



Vizslas a go-go: Rosco, Daisy, and Lulu in motion vol. 1 – Trailer on Vimeo.



Based on books and internet research we thought we knew what Vizsla ownership would be like, but once we got our
first Vizsla we found out we didn’t really know what this breed was like. As a result, we had quite the learning curve!

My wife Angela and I made this video about our dogs…Rosco, Daisy, and Lulu. We wanted to make a video that showed some of the differences
between our dogs. Additionally, we wanted to make a video that will help potential Vizsla owners in preparing for their “new life” as Vizsla owners.
This video helps bypass the learning curve so potential owners have an idea of what to expect from this breed.
Scott Meister


Watch the promo videos below to learn more about this video.

Vizslas a go-go is documentary style with voice over narration. It was filmed during the summer of 2009 and the spring of 2010.

From the back cover —

What’s it like to own a Vizsla? We get asked that frequently. Vizslas a go-go shows what it’s like to own Vizslas.
You’ll see Rosco, Daisy, and Lulu in day-to-day life (in motion).
We don’t hunt with or show our Vizslas, they are simply our pets.

You’ll hear some of our tips,
tricks, and techniques that have made Vizsla ownership a success for us. We’ll share some of our observations,
stories, and learning’s we’ve had with our dogs. Additionally, you’ll see how we interact with them and care for them.

It’s easy to fall in love with this breed…from their wrinkled foreheads to their energetic demeanor, but some extra
information prior to owning makes transitioning to Vizsla ownership so much easier Vizslas a go-go helps bridge that
gap between Vizsla books and Vizsla ownership.

Running Time: Approx. 60 minutes.
©2010 Simplified Management Solutions, Inc.
Release Date: May 13, 2010




Questions about these videos? Contact Scott @ info@UnderstandingVizslas.com


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